Long overdue update

It’s been awhile. Not even sure when I last posted? Let’s see, what has been going on?

Last October o had emergency surgery. At first we thought maybe cancer, but thankfully it was just a cyst that burst in my last ovary, causing the ovary itself to rupture. I needed two transfusions before they would risk surgery!

Of course, during the scans and tests they found other issues that needed to be checked out after surgery. The one is a cyst in the lung (nothing new there, name an organ or body part, and I probably have a cyst on it), the other is my back. The whole back.

I can’t remember all the technical terms, so will either describe it, or give layman’s terms.

All of my never canals are genetically to small (which when combined with my system wide inflammation, causes a reaction mimicking pinched nerves. Randomly. All over my back, legs, arms, etc), I have a sway back (duh, knew that as a kid), my upper neck/back are reverse of a sway, arthritis in lower back, a cyst on one of the vertebrae, and a bulging disc. Basically? Pain.

I ended up back at work in May. And since then have had doctors notes and forms out of my ears and am STILL in positions aggravate my back problems. Yet they are shocked I have so much sick time? READ WHAT THE DOCTOR HAS WRITTEN! Ugh

Plus I am being treated more like a criminal than someone with health issues. I have no clue what is the real problem. I feel like they want me to quit. They don’t treat those with disabilities very well. And invisible illnesses … Well, I feel they don’t believe it.

Well, Sunday night I had not slept at all. A combination of back pain and bathroom time. So, I called in sick Monday, leaving out the bathroom part, and just explaining that my back would NOT allow me to work. Oh. BOY. Did I get an earful!

I was asked why I had so much sick time, and if I thought anything could stop that. I do not remember exact words, but I basically told them if the doctors letters were followed, chances are I would not have so much sick time. Hell, it took me almost 5 MONTHS to get access to a chair that both physio and my doctor said I needed almost from the beginning of my return!! And I am still made to feel guilty if I need to use it more than a second at a time.

Today I was supposed to be “talked to”. Didn’t happen. Mind I was told they would be contacting the go between yesterday, or today, first. Then the talk. So … I mean your guess is as good as mine why I didn’t get a verbal beat down.

I love my job, I just don’t love the way I am treated, or disrespected. They have their favourites who can do no wrong, and everyone else is second class. Union helps, but it’s not a miracle fix. Sigh

No clue what is next. Or when I will be talked to. Just know that no matter what they say to me, they can’t really hurt a person who has given up and is dead inside. 😢

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