Long time no post!

Wow. been awhile. Let’s see if I remember how to use this thing.

LOTS, and LOTS going on in my life, some ok, some bad, some unknown. This past summer, end of September, I ended up having a new pain that caused me to go to ER. The short version (leave a comment if you want the long version), I ended up having a burst ovary from a cyst (forget the name, but it was a bleeder). which resulted in emergency surgery, and loads of time of work.

If fact, I am still off work. But that is more due to the fact I am waiting on tests from other issues that showed up while looking at the emergency stuff. Turns out I have a lump in my lung, 90% chance just a cyst. I am VERY prone to internal cysts. Have them practically every where. And, apparently my facet joints in my lower back are more or less gone. Ever since my surgery, I can only stand for about 10 minute stretches before I can’t move. Still, pain isn’t as bad as from my bowel adhesions, but, different, and new, so seems pretty nasty while happening. But I just sit down, and it’s gone, so much easier to deal with.

I am thinking, if I can ever have any luck that isn’t bad*, I might just look into wearing a binder or corset? Some informal research suggests it could help with pain from both the back, and adhesions?? Might try it?

Anyway, I thought I had more to say? And I kind of do, but more just rambling, useless stuff. So I won’t bore you with that right now.

*Just mean that seems JUST when we are stable and can afford to breathe, something happens. Like me being off work with no income now.

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