Is this an age thing?

I think I am broken. NOT just because I might have a concussion, and all my other problems.

No, I have noticed that LITERALLY, since I turned 50 on the 10th, smells have changed? Intensified? I have ALWAYS had a sniffer that was easily overwhelmed. But this is different. Everything smells … HORRIBLE. As in “I think I might throw up” horrible.

Our house has always had an odd odour. But no one but me seemed to notice, even outside folk. But lately with the cat being sick, the dog having an occasional leaky bum, and various other things, it is smelling “off” to others too. Not BAD, apparently, just “Hmm WHAT is that smell?”, sort of thing.

Well, tonight my nose is seriously considering jumping off my face and leaving me for an air factory.

My husband isn’t feeling well (and has bad teeth that REALLY hurts to take care of. He does try!) so he hasn’t brushed or anything for awhile. Because of that, even with the CPAP machine, he is opening his mouth and was breathing right at me. So I left. As soon as I opened the door to leave, I could smell all the other smells in the house that just … GAH!!

I just can’t!

Even outside smells weird and not right. I can’t win.


Really hate being a nose breather some days.

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